Cadmus’ Portland Office “Wins” Commuter Challenge as Part of Earth Week Festivities

Waltham, Mass., April 29, 2013—Cadmus concluded a very successful Earth Week 2013 with the announcement of this year’s Commuter Challenge winners. After a grueling tie-breaker, the Portland, Ore., office was announced as the overall winner. Portland, which won the walking/biking component of the competition, narrowly defeated Boulder, winner of the public transit category, by exceeding Boulder’s total participation by a rate of 33 percent versus Boulder’s 32 percent. All participants, however, made Cadmus proud with their efforts – Boulder staff even showed their dedication to sustainable transportation by using bikes to commute in the snow!

Another popular Cadmus Earth Week activity was an online photo contest featuring the impressive talents of Cadmus staff in three categories. Though the contest was close, by “liking” photos on Cadmus’ Facebook page, voters chose winners Erina Keefe (People and Nature); Ryan Fahey (Local); and Erin Sweet (Landscapes). The winning entries and the contributions of all contestants can be viewed at

Each location celebrated Earth Week with special activities, including screenings of green-themed TED Talks, parties, and a Bike Maintenance 101 workshop at the Waltham office. Several festivities indulged those of us with green thumbs, including the Boulder office’s rooftop plant re-potting and baby plant adoption session (held in front of Boulder’s mountaintop vistas). The enthusiasm shown by Cadmus staff throughout the week captures the Cadmus philosophy. We congratulate all the winners and participants and look forward to expressing the spirit of Earth Day throughout the year with our individual and collective environmentally conscientious actions.

About The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Cadmus is an employee-owned consultancy committed to helping our clients address complex challenges by applying diverse skills and experiences in a highly collaborative environment. By assisting our clients in achieving their goals, we create social and economic value today and for future generations. Founded in 1983, we leverage exceptional expertise across a staff of more than 400 professionals in the physical and life sciences, engineering, social sciences, strategic communication, architecture and design, law, policy analysis, and the liberal arts who provide an array of research and analytical services in the United States and abroad.

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