Cadmus to Conduct Environmental Training in Liberia on Behalf of USAID

Waltham, Mass., June 1, 2011—The Cadmus Group, Inc. (Cadmus) has been contracted by The Mitchell Group, Inc. to conduct capacity-building training in Liberia on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Cadmus will conduct training for representatives from the host nation government and USAID implementing partners in such areas as the principles of environmental management, environmental auditing, ambient air quality, environmental impact assessment, and environmental strategy.

For more than 10 years, Cadmus has undertaken capacity-building projects for USAID; for host governments in developing countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe; and for private-sector clients operating throughout the world. Cadmus’ International Development Assistance services allow clients to improve the organizational management of environment, safety and employee health activities in order to strengthen the links between environmental and social performance goals.

As part of its mission to foster lasting private enterprise worldwide, USAID is engaged in projects throughout the developing world to preserve responsible land management in the face of challenges resulting from global climate change and population growth. The Mitchell Group, Inc. delivers international development consulting services that help clients implement an array of management solutions to ensure that valuable, finite resources are used in the most efficient ways possible.

About The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Cadmus is an employee-owned consultancy committed to helping our clients address complex challenges by applying diverse skills and experiences in a highly collaborative environment. By assisting our clients in achieving their goals, we create social and economic value today and for future generations. Founded in 1983, we leverage exceptional expertise across a staff of more than 400 professionals in the physical and life sciences, engineering, social sciences, strategic communication, architecture and design, law, policy analysis, and the liberal arts who provide an array of research and analytical services in the United States and abroad.

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