Request for Proposal: Digital Agriculture Ecosystem Assessments

Request for Proposal

The USAID Digital Forward Project, implemented by Cadmus, is seeking proposals from eligible firms with experience in agricultural digital ecosystem assessments to undertake assessments in 1-3 countries, inclusive of the following:

  • A stakeholder mapping of the relevant actors within the Digital Agriculture Ecosystem within each country of focus, with a particular focus on local actors. 
  • Identifying key challenges and opportunities for more effectively leveraging digital technologies in agriculture and aligned sectors among the different stakeholders.
  • Identification of relevant local actors that the Mission can potentially work with to support the implementation of any recommendations identified through the assessment.
  • Identification of key challenges and opportunities specific to marginalized and underrepresented groups (also considering gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and other intersecting disadvantage as relevant)  in the agriculture and aligned sectors within each of the countries’ context and incorporation of an inclusive development lens.


Questions regarding the Request for Proposal must be submitted by July 2, 2024 (in electronic copy).

Final Proposals are due by July 15, 2024 (in electronic copy only).

The full RFP and instructions for potential offerors, Modification 1, as well as the budget template, are provided in the following links:

Link to Budget Template for the Digital Agriculture Assessment RFP.

Link to Digital Agricultural Ecosystem Assessment RFP Modification 1