Upcoming Cadmus Seminar Gives Corporate Sustainability Professionals a Practical Framework

Waltham, Mass., March 6, 2014—The Cadmus Group, Inc. (Cadmus) announced today that it will be offering a one-day seminar, Setting the Coordinates for a Corporate Sustainability Strategy, at its Waltham, Mass., headquarters on March 27, 2014. This seminar is designed to help professionals who have been tasked with their organizations’ sustainability responsibilities understand and identify the critical coordinates for developing or updating sustainability initiatives.

The seminar was designed, and will be led, by Jane Obbagy, vice president of Cadmus’ Emerging Markets practice. A veteran of more than 20 years consulting on international and environmental issues, Obbagy is a widely published expert in helping organizations establish and implement strategies to responsibly manage environmental, health, and safety (EHS) risks.

“Incorporating sustainability into a company’s strategic plan is indispensable to success in today’s business environment, a fact that an increasing number of companies recognize,” Obbagy said. “Often, companies are prepared to make the necessary investments of time and energy in sustainability programs—they just need a place to start. This seminar provides a practical framework for identifying sustainability goals that makes sense for each company, and setting metrics to reach them.”

Obbagy is the primary author of Cadmus’ recent white paper, Reversing the Sustainability Slide: Laying the Foundation for Enhanced Program Performance. The paper explores the measures Cadmus’ in-the-field experience has proven effective in reevaluating and reinvigorating inconsistent or underperforming sustainability programs.

Cadmus provides support in operational assessment and evaluation, policy development, and capacity building to help private sector clients, host governments, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) achieve economic development goals.

About The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Cadmus is an employee-owned consultancy committed to helping our clients address complex challenges by applying diverse skills and experiences in a highly collaborative environment. By assisting our clients in achieving their goals, we create social and economic value today and for future generations. Founded in 1983, we leverage exceptional expertise across a staff of more than 400 professionals in the physical and life sciences, engineering, social sciences, strategic communication, architecture and design, law, policy analysis, and the liberal arts who provide an array of research and analytical services in the United States and abroad. Learn more at cadmusgroup.com.

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