New Cadmus Report Examines Utility Sector CDP Responses and Trends

Cadmus_CDP_Utilities_Report_2014_cover_webWaltham, Mass., February 4, 2015—The Cadmus Group, Inc. (Cadmus) announced today that it has released its 2014 CDP Utilities Sector Report, based on North American utility responses to the 2014 CDP S&P 500 Climate Change Information Request. The paper delves into responses of 19 North American utilities to identify the trends affecting the energy sector. Among the findings, Cadmus reveals that reporting utilities struggled to control carbon output while meeting rising consumer demand—more than half reported an increase in gross global emissions.

Drawing on a unique combination of expertise and experience with sustainability measurement and the utility sector, Cadmus experts review the latest data to report common risks and opportunities, emissions reduction initiatives, costs and reductions achieved, and emissions performance overall for the sector.

The full report is available at

CDP has developed survey instruments that offer the opportunity to track, publicly disclose, and actively work to reduce climate change impacts, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, waste production, and forest impacts. Completing a CDP survey signals that companies are committed to reducing their contributions to climate change, and also helps identify areas for improvement.

CDP partner logo 2015Cadmus, a multi-year Silver Consultancy Partner in the United States for CDP, has more than 14 years of combined experience working with organizations to achieve optimal CDP scores and to quantify and reduce GHG emissions. Cadmus’ GHG and Sustainability Reporting services employ the proprietary Climate Strategy Assessment Tool to predict respondents’ CDP disclosure and performance scores and help companies improve scores for future years. Learn more at

About The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Cadmus is an employee-owned consultancy committed to helping our clients address complex challenges by applying diverse skills and experiences in a highly collaborative environment. By assisting our clients in achieving their goals, we create social and economic value today and for future generations. Founded in 1983, we leverage exceptional expertise across a staff of more than 400 professionals in the physical and life sciences, engineering, social sciences, strategic communication, architecture and design, law, policy analysis, and the liberal arts who provide an array of research and analytical services in the United States and abroad.