EU Strategic Foresight

Study on Building and Piloting a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System for Future Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programmes


On behalf of the European Commission’s DG RTD, ifok, in consortium with Cadmus, SAMI Consulting and The Danish Board of Technology Foundation, is working to develop a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System to support implementing future R&I Framework Programmes. The objective of this study is to bridge foresight and policy and to enable policy makers to benefit from strategic foresight insights and processes to inform policy decisions in the context of large R&I Framework Programmes.


  • A collection of relevant source material through an expert-level and cross-institutional stock-taking of the needs of the strategic programming process.
  • A Strategic Intelligence Scenario Framework for EU R&I with a set of geographical and meta-scenarios that will serve as context in the strategic analysis of relevant trends.
  • A source catalog and a proposed methodology and indicators for signposting, identifying, updating and monitoring relevant emerging trends.
  • A piloted methodology for future-proofing R&I policy options, supported by an app to ease group facilitation and reporting.

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