Young Ideas for Europe 3.0 und 4.0

An initiative of the Robert Bosch Stiftung to give young people a voice in European politics

Client: Robert Bosch Stiftung
Partner: JdE-Partner Netzwerk Europa (3.0)


Young Ideas for Europe was an initiative of Robert Bosch Stiftung, which inspired young people between 15 and 18 years to actively shape Europe’s political, economic, and social future – giving young people a voice in European politics. As such it served to both raise awareness about the EU and European policy, and to enable the youth to play an active part in it.

In its 2011-2012 iteration, Young Ideas for Europe had reached over 850 young people through 39 project weeks in 26 countries and established high-level exchanges between adolescents and policymakers from the local to the EU level. These included the cabinet of the EU Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, as well as the EU Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard. In its fourth iteration, the project developed into one of pan-European scope, with activities in all EU Member States. At the heart of the initiative was a 5-day project week, during which young people developed their ideas for the future of Europe.

The preparation of Young Ideas for Europe 3.0 and 4.0 included the following ifok activities:

  • Design and overall management of the project, pan-European coordination, and outreach
  • Coaching and managing the unique partner network which implemented the project weeks in all Member States
  • Setting up a concept, agenda, and program for the project weeks
  • Project coordination between the European partners and schools
  • All partners and facilitators took part in a partner training program organized by ifok. ifok also supported and supervised the preparations made in all countries, since intensive coordination among all partners proved to be necessary due to the specific national circumstances.
  • ifok developed and produced the student handouts, as well as the media and training materials (flyers, information for partners, etc.).
  • ifok designed and updated the Homepage
  • ifok designed and updated the Online Forum.

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