Energy Resilience in Jamaica
Workshops and Events

USAID & Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance logos

Past Workshops and Events

Solar PV Standards in Jamaica Webinar – November 21st, 2023

The Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA) hosted a virtual webinar exploring solar PV standards in Jamaica and opportunities for private sector engagement. Solar industry experts from JERA and the Jamaica Renewable Energy Association (JREA) discussed the implications of adopting new solar PV standards in Jamaica, including the current Jamaican context for solar standards and international solar standards and best practices. The presenters also gave an overview of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica’s (BSJ) standards and development process. The webinar culminated in a Q&A session in which attendees shared their thoughts on Jamaica’s solar PV standards and private sector involvement. Watch a recording of the webinar here.

Solar Business Forum – June 27th, 2023

The Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA), the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), and the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA) co-hosted an in-person forum for Jamaican businesses to meet with solar PV installers, financiers, and third-party experts to advance their solar journeys. This forum featured discussions about the value of greening your business with solar energy, networking opportunities with solar installers and financiers, and exhibitions by industry experts. Watch the recap video here.

Solar PV for Jamaica’s Tourism Sector – November 15th, 2022

The Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA) collaborated with the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) to cohost a virtual workshop that addressed solar PV topics relevant to Jamaica’s tourism sector. The workshop provided expert insights on frequently asked questions and concerns raised by members of the sector through JERA’s ongoing outreach efforts in partnership with the JHTA. The workshop featured an expert roundtable discussion with representatives from JERA, the Jamaica Renewable Energy Association, and Grand Palladium Jamaica Resort & Spa, and covered topics such as: the value of solar PV technology to tourism sector resilience; the availability of qualified local system designers and installers; the availability and accessibility of financing solar PV projects; and JERA’s process, from initial communication to final commissioning. Click here to watch a recording of the workshop.

Solar Financing Seminar for Financial Institutions – September 22nd and 23rd, 2022

The Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA) and the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), co-hosted an in-person seminar to provide resources for Jamaican financial institutions interested in financing and supporting local solar projects. This two-day event included informational sessions and engaging discussions on the topics most relevant for banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to learn more about solar financing opportunities. The event also featured a Market Perspectives Panel Discussion on best practices and innovative approaches to increasing solar lending volume in the Caribbean, including key voices and stakeholders in the region’s solar financing landscape. Click here to watch the recordings of the event.

Installing Solar for Jamaican Manufacturers and Exporters Virtual Event – July 21, 2022

The Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA) teamed up with the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA) to co-host a virtual event highlighting how JERA can help Jamaican businesses adopt solar PV and PV plus storage (PV+).  This event allowed Jamaican businesses to learn more about the Strengthening Energy Sector Resilience (SESR) programme and the benefits of PV+ for Jamaican businesses, meet energy experts to help their businesses go solar, and understand financing options available to get started on their solar journey. Click here to watch a recording of the webinar.

NABCEP Photovoltaic Installation Professional (PVIP) Training – June 27 – August 20, 2022

JERA invited applications for our NABCEP Photovoltaic Installation Professional (PVIP) training. With Jamaica’s growing solar market, there is a critical need for trained solar installers. JERA offered scholarships to eligible applicants for this course.

PV+ Installer Webinar – October 28, 2021

On Thursday, October 28 2021, the Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA) co-hosted a webinar on Zoom with the Jamaica Renewable Energy Association (JREA) for solar energy installers and partners. This webinar featured remarks from JERA, JREA, and the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) on the process and benefits of working with the Strengthening Energy Sector Resilience in Jamaica (SESR) program. Topics included SESR program overview; solar opportunities in Jamaica; and the SESR soft cost survey for installers that sought input on the legal, regulatory, and administrative soft costs relating to installing solar energy systems in Jamaica. If you are a solar installer, please visit the I Am A Solar Professional page and sign up to receive updates about opportunities through JERA.

Program Launch – January 13, 2021

On Wednesday, January 13, the Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance launched with a hybrid event bringing together leadership both in-person and virtually. Click here to watch the program launch.

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