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Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum 2022

April 28, 2022

Cadmus is sponsoring the EV Deployment Workshop: Driving EVs over the Finish Line at the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum on April 26 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. The workshop includes leading experts in EV discussing the roles of regulators and utilities, EV charging impacts on island solar systems, and the regional outlook for EV deployment.

Team members Christina Becker-Birck, Geoff Morrison, and Anaitée Mills will be facilitating the workshop and included panels. Anaitée Mills will also be participating in a panel “Jamaica: New Partnerships to Unlock Investment,” on April 28, 2022.

CEDMC Spring Symposium

April 21, 2022

Cadmus is proud to be a silver sponsor at the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council’s Spring Symposium on Thursday, April 21. This daylong program will bring together decision makers, practitioners, and advocates to imagine California’s road toward a clean energy future. We hope to see you there!

GridFWD Seattle

April 19-20, 2022

Cadmus is proud to be a premier-level sponsor at GridFWD Seattle, April 19-20! We are excited to experience the future of the power grid with insightful sessions, collaborative huddles & endless networking.

2022 National Emergency Management Association’s Mid-Year Forum

March 28-31, 2022

Cadmus is participating in the National Emergency Management Association’s Mid-Year Forum as a Gold Sponsor. The event will take place in Alexandria, VA on March 28-31, 2022.

The National Forum brings together emergency management professionals and experts in the field. The event focuses on areas of policy, emergency management, training and development, and federal relations.

2022 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference

February 1-3, 2022

Cadmus is participating in the Midwest Energy Solutions Conference held in Chicago February 1-3. Team member, Amalia Hicks, will be facilitating the session “Pay It Forward to Finance Future Clean Energy Solutions” on Tuesday, February 1 at 3:45-5 p.m.

MES 2022 returns to Chicago for three days of unparalleled networking and discussion opportunities and engaging presentations covering policy, programs, energy codes, tech innovations and more.

CCUS: A State Comparison of Technical and Policy Issues

October 26, 2021

The United States Energy Association (USEA) is releasing the Cadmus/USEA study “Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Sequestration: A State Comparison of Technical and Policy Issues.” This study evaluates laws, policies, and regulations governing CO2 storage operations and geologic storage across ten states including Alabama, California, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Utah. In addition to providing oversight of the storage capacity and pipeline infrastructure of these states, this project provides a comprehensive and comparative analysis of four dimensions of CO2 law, regulation, and policy: land use, mineral, water, and pore space rights; geologic CO2 storage and incremental storage regulation; eminent domain; and regulation of CO2-EOR, oil and gas activities, and CO2 pipelines.

Cadmus’ Shari Ring, one of the study authors, will be presenting the findings at a USEA-hosted webinar on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, from 2:30-3:30 ET. Click here to learn more and register for the event on the USEA website:

2019 Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change

November 18-19, 2019

Cadmus is proud to be a sponsor of BECC, where team member Jim Stewart is moderating a session on utility bills and changing behavior, and in a separate session, presenting how utility bill alerts can help customers save energy. Cadmus team member Philip Kreycik is presenting on strategic electrification in the new energy economy.

Monday, November 18
1C 10:30 AM – Utility Bills and Changing Behavior
Moderator: Jim Stewart

Tuesday, November 19
2E 1:30 PM – Strategic Electrification in the New Energy Economy
Presenter: Philip Kreycik

6C 2:45 PM – Can High Bill Alerts Help Utility Customers to Save Energy? Evidence from a Large Randomized Experiment
Presenter: Jim Stewart

GRI Community Roundtable 2019

November 7, 2019

Cadmus is participating in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Community Roundtable held in Boston on November 7, 2019. Team member Rasika Savkar will discuss topics including climate change and sustainable development goals.

GRI facilitates community roundtables in various countries to enhance sustainability reporting and disclosure in the belief that better sustainability reporting processes empower informed decision-making. This series of local events gather reporting practitioners to explore reporting in a trusted and open environment, creating an international community of practice. New GRI community roundtable modules are created on a regular basis to enable connection, co-creation, and moving forward with peers.

Energy Week at Duke

November 5, 2019

Cadmus is a proud sponsor of Energy Week at Duke University and we are excited to participate in the career event SPARK on November 5.

SPARK is a great opportunity for Duke University undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines to network with representatives from Cadmus, including Duke alumni Nikhita Singh.

Join us on November 5, 7 PM – 9 PM ET at Energy Hub, Gross Hall.

GridFWD 2019

October 8, 2019

Cadmus is proud to be a Premier Sponsor of GridFWD 2019, where team member Scott Reeves is moderating a session on pathways for a deeply decarbonized energy economy. Listen to leaders in Renewables, EVs, DER, and beneficial electrification explain where they’re finding success cutting carbon and how these strategies complement or conflict across different resource perspectives.

Tuesday, October 8
3:30PM – Pathways for Deep Decarbonization
Moderator: Scott Reeves, Senior Associate, Cadmus

IEPEC 2019

August 20-22, 2019

Join the Cadmus team at the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Cadmus is a proud Gold Sponsor of IEPEC’s 2019 Conference where team members James Stewart, Allen Lee, Jerica Stacey, Lakin Garth, and Gina Henderson are presenting. Join our experts as they share their knowledge and expertise in the following sessions:

Tuesday, August 20
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Can High Bill Alerts Help Utility Customers to Save Energy? Evidence from A Large Randomized Experiment James Stewart, Cadmus

Tuesday, August 20
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Assessing Attribution and Savings from a Building Energy Code Compliance Enhancement Program – Zack Tyler, NMR Group; Allen Lee, Cadmus; Jerica Stacey, Cadmus 

Wednesday, August 21
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
How to Conduct a Targeted Conservation Potential Study: Lessons Learned in Assessing Energy Efficiency as a Non-Wires Alternative – Lakin Garth, Cadmus

Thursday, August 22
8:30 – 10:00 AM
A Connected Lighting Pilot: Thinking Beyond kWh Savings – Gina Henderson, Cadmus

Zofnass Sustainable Infrastructure Workshop

April 17-18, 2019

Cadmus’ Kathryn Wright and Will Sloan will participate in a panel on our recent report with WWF, “Valuing Sustainability in Infrastructure Investments.”