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Building Codes, Appliance Standards, and Building Electrification Conference

March 4, 2019 Cadmus’ Allen Lee will lead a session, “Energy Building Codes and Appliance Standards: National and State Landscape.”

2019 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference

February 20-22, 2019 Cadmus is a proud Bronze Sponsor of the Midwest Energy Efficiency Association’s 2019 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference.

Insights Blog
Defining Grid Modernization

What are the key components all definitions of grid modernization share?

Insights Blog
Accelerating Grid Modernization

Two particularly compelling topics emerged at the 2018 GridFWD conference and gained momentum across several presentations: what is the catalyst for accelerating elements of grid modernization; and what transformations must occur at a utility level to pave the way?

Terry Fry Appointed to U.S. Department of Commerce Advisory Committee

Terry Fry, senior vice president of energy services, has been appointed to the U.S. Department of Commerce Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (REEEAC).

Insights Blog
Electrification: Conversion Woes

With market forces bent on electrification, natural gas distribution compannies may have to contend with a less friendly residential market. This article examines the effects of technology and price on historical trend in market share for electricity and natural gas in residential heating markets.

Cadmus Awarded $1.9M Contract for Study on Residential Building Stock

Study will gather data on residential building energy use Across New York.

Insights Blog
Why today’s EE Workforce needs the Certificate in DSM Program Management

AESP is launching its 6-course (plus a Capstone project) Certificate of Excellence in DSM Program Management this month. It’s designed to help industry professionals thoroughly understand the industry they operate within while growing core competencies that they can apply in their day-to-day work. The certificate program is useful for professionals new to industry or for industry veterans who may be missing a few pieces needed to complete their understanding of the big picture.

Insights Blog
Meeting Energy Savings Targets in an Evolving Utility Market

If there’s one thing keeping energy efficiency professionals up at night, it’s the EISA backstop. Those of us who design energy efficiency programs for a living hear this refrain from our clients, at conferences, and at the water cooler: “What’s next…what are we going to do when lighting goes away?”

Norman B. Leventhal Awards

October 9, 2018 Cadmus is proud to sponsor the Norman B. Leventhal Excellence in City Building Awards, recognizing the leaders […]

Solar Power International

September 24-27, 2018 Join the Cadmus team at Solar Power International. Connect with Tyler Orcutt, on September 25th at 10:50 […]

Insights Blog
5 Common Utility Program Marketing Miscues

If you are a marketer or implementer trying to drive program participation, a utility program manager working to achieve your annual goals, or even an evaluation director charged with determining return on investment, the question becomes, “How do you compete with the noise to achieve your business objectives?” The answer: ensuring that your marketing is working effectively.

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