Strategic Energy Management
Meeting the Measurement Challenge
Strategic energy management (SEM) has come a long way in the past ten years. Twenty SEM programs are operating in North America today and several more are being planned. But challenges in measuring the savings have hampered the wider adoption of SEM. The DOE-sponsored Uniform Methods Project (UMP) is helping meet this challenge by developing a measurement and verification (M&V) protocol for determining SEM’s savings.
The speakers assembled for the webinar are experts in national and regional collaborative initiatives on SEM policies and programmatic activity. They will briefly discuss the latest trends in SEM policies and programs at the national and regional levels, with a focus on measurement issues. The webinar will end with a brief description of the recently completed M&V protocol for measuring SEM’s savings. The hope is that this protocol, which was developed based on commonly accepted methods and vetted by expert practitioners, can help a broader adoption of SEM as an effective energy efficiency measure.
Presented on October 5, 2017 for the Association of Energy Services Professionals.