Services - Energy
Embrace the modern energy dynamic

Energy Services Overview

Embrace the modern energy dynamic

Worldwide, the energy industry is undergoing one of the most dramatic transformations in history, with networked delivery and distributed resource opportunities growing daily. To make the most of this revolution, utilities, governments, and others in the energy sector need reliable expertise in planning, assessment, and policy development.

Cadmus is proud of our utility and energy sector clients’ successes and the role our teams have played in helping countless organizations achieve extraordinary results. Our experts understand the range of policy and regulatory challenges inherent in the energy landscape, and have the critical hands-on experience with end-use technologies, energy delivery and management, and customer engagement to ensure our recommendations lead to comprehensive, viable, and lasting solutions.

Discover how we can help you advance your mission.

Evaluation and Market Research

Choose the most experienced team for your program review

Utility demand response programs, energy efficiency programs, and distributed energy programs can achieve a range of goals, including planned rates of customer participation, energy savings, and targeted demand reductions. Knowing how to effectively develop and deliver high-impact programs depends on thorough evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) of those programs.

With more than 30 years of EM&V client service, Cadmus is the most experienced team in the business. We’ve developed comprehensive protocols for analyzing energy savings and compliance to make the process highly efficient. We have also been closely engaged in establishing industry standards, which means our work always stands up in regulatory proceedings.

We believe that rigorous evaluation goes hand in hand with delivering actionable insights and recommendations to improve programs year over year. That’s why we design our EM&V approaches to provide timely feedback for course correction and successful delivery. These are just a few of the many reasons our nationally recognized EM&V experts have conducted more and larger evaluations than any other consultancy in the United States.

Explore our expertise and the extraordinary results we have helped clients like you achieve.

Resource Planning and Integration

Make your power play for the energy future

The rapid growth of energy technology and consumer choice has created unprecedented disruption in energy markets. This transformation creates opportunities to invest in new generation and distribution assets, to increase efficiencies and system reliability, and to grow market value.

Accurately planning for a range of forecasts with multiple uncertainties in this rapidly evolving market requires deep technical expertise, organization-wide planning, novel approaches, and creative solutions.

As a pioneer in the field for more than 30 years with real-world utility and regulatory experience, Cadmus is proud to help energy leaders confidently navigate the energy delivery landscape with modeling expertise, emerging technology market design, and grid integration and modernization.

Policy, Regulation, and Programs

Reduce usage and improve your bottom line

Energy efficiency and renewable energy programs can reduce the costs associated with peak demand spikes, enable deferred investment in new generating capacity, increase customer satisfaction and engagement, and contribute to a more sustainable environment. The challenge is in developing high-quality programs that generate a return on your investment, create long-term value, and meet regulatory obligations while limiting the burden on your personnel.

Cadmus helps our clients make the greatest possible gains by modeling, designing, and supporting the deployment of a wide variety of energy efficiency, demand response, and customer education programs. Our multidisciplinary expertise provides innovative and groundbreaking solutions for public and investor owned utilities, program administrators, and local government organizations, such as PPL Electric Utilities, the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility, and Bonneville Power Authority.

Explore our expertise and the extraordinary results we have helped clients like you achieve.

Advanced Analytics

Boost your results with data-driven insights

For utilities aiming to improve demand-side solutions, implement more effective pricing strategies, and increase customer satisfaction, advanced analytics provide the foundation for effective decision-making. With more data available than ever before, the challenge is to collect valid inputs and conduct accurate analyses provide actionable information and intelligence.

As a nationally recognized authority in forecasting energy demands and trends, Cadmus helps our clients manage, compile, and derive insights from large data sets, ensuring actionable intelligence and effective roadmaps.

Explore our expertise and the extraordinary results we have helped clients like you achieve.

High Performance Buildings & Plants

Reap the financial rewards of greener facilities

Every building, plant, and warehouse can become a vibrant, energy- and water-saving, health-boosting model of sustainability, while providing a direct return on investment. Energy efficiency programs and certifications also improve a brand’s perception by employees and consumers. Achieving maximum value, taking advantage of available tax incentives, and earning sustainable building certification, however, can be a challenge without the right experience.

Cadmus helps clients employ the latest energy consumption-, health-, and comfort-based principles to ensure offices, plants, warehouses, and residential facilities operate at optimal performance. Our commitment to helping our clients become high performance leaders is the reason organizations from Fortune 500 companies, to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® Program, to the U.S. General Services Administration, turn to Cadmus to help reduce the use of energy and water resources.

Explore our expertise and the extraordinary results we have helped clients like you achieve.

Business Resilience

Be ready for the next crisis

From natural disasters to terrorist attacks, from cybersecurity breaches to the impacts of a changing climate, today’s corporate business leaders, government executives, and international organizations face an unprecedented number of threats and hazards that pose risks to critical infrastructure, safety, security, and reputation. These complex and expanding challenges demand an enterprise-wide approach to building and sustaining resilience.

Cadmus helps business and government leaders explore, develop, and improve their preparedness posture through response planning, practical training, crisis-simulation exercises, and comprehensive risk assessment. Our in-depth knowledge across the full range of hazards, coupled with exceptional capabilities, enables our clients to make measurable improvements in their preparedness and resilience. Our decades of experience across fields including energy, emergency management, transportation, homeland security, water, public health, and business resilience position Cadmus to deliver novel solutions in an increasingly complex world.

Explore our expertise and the extraordinary results we have helped clients like you achieve.

Organizational Change Management

Becoming adept at change is critical, yet few things are more challenging

Effective change management is about navigating a moment in time, and then creating the organizational will, resilience, and muscle memory that encourage individuals and teams to embrace and adopt new ideas.

When we approach a change management project, we look beyond the initial catalyst for change. We know that change has a lifecycle and does not happen in a vacuum. A problem with change today could be a problem with communication or team dynamics or training tomorrow.

Our proprietary methodology enables us to help our clients strategically navigate their change initiatives so they can thrive and build a team who is adept at navigating change.

  • How an organization manages change—the strategies, approaches, and messaging used —can take a team who is resistant to change, and help them to embrace new ideas and become high performers.
  • The key to designing the right change management approach is to gain a deep understanding of the motivations and concerns of the various stakeholder groups. Effective change management creates a shift in behaviors, greater employee engagement, and enthusiasm for new, shared initiatives.

What we offer:

  • Strategic planning
  • Organizational assessment
  • Culture change
  • Organizational design
  • Change readiness
  • Change management
  • Employee engagement

Stakeholder Engagement and Communications

Inspire action with effective communication

An organization’s connection with its stakeholders is not a given; it’s earned. Whether we’re building community around a shared cause or facilitating engaging experiences online, understanding stakeholders’ motivations and concerns helps clients create intentional connections and harness the power of fully engaged stakeholders.

We pair winning outreach and relationship building strategies with proprietary approaches and actionable programming designed to engage and motivate your stakeholders and make an impact. Our communications expertise is backed by deep insight into our clients’ markets, creativity and best practice messaging and delivery, and a commitment to measuring effectiveness to ensure strategy leads to results.

What we offer

  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Strategic marketing and communications strategy
  • Message development
  • Communications execution
  • Event design and management

Workforce Transformation

Skilled people, aligned with an inspiring vision, will create lasting, positive change

Workforce Transformation. It sounds like a huge endeavor. But at its core, it’s about assessing and developing the talent within your organization and ensuring the right people with the right skills are in the right positions to deliver on your mission. It involves engaging your talented staff and creating opportunities for them to envision and execute solutions to your organization’s most complex challenges.

We help organizations evolve—for the better. Without question, doing it is hard; and it takes more than the right tools, or expertise, or processes. It requires thinking differently about your challenges and how to approach them.

At Cadmus, we go deeper to diagnose the root issue, identify gaps, and develop a tailored program that will deliver the results you are looking for. We work creatively to align people, actions, and results — driving both buy-in and adoption— and building on decades of experience in successful workforce transformation initiatives.

What we offer

  • Workforce planning and development
  • Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA)
  • Employee experience
  • Executive training
  • Organizational development
  • Human capital IT solutions

Enterprise Optimization

Enterprise optimization is what we do and the outcome we deliver

No matter their size or mission, organizations are more effective and efficient when their strategies and goals—and the processes they rely on to achieve them—are well calibrated and well communicated. Enterprise optimization, therefore, is both a Cadmus offering and an outcome. It’s an integrated suite of services, tailored for an organization’s unique needs and designed to deliver results. It’s the way we help executives and their organizations define success, build the roadmap to get there, and meet the milestones along the way.

Too often, enterprise optimization is viewed as a rote process of metrics reporting and executive sign-off. Our methodology is effective because it encourages teams to surface issues and risks in a supported environment, engages people in collaborative discussion to resolve issues, and ensures accountability through the tracking of actions and a structured, consistent meeting cadence.

  • Well-run organizations have a visionary strategy, shared goals, and a set of clear priorities.
  • They put in place effective governance and performance measurement tools that drive collaboration and accountability—practices that become embedded in every aspect of their operations.
  • They choose partners that expertly navigate strategic and tactical activities; partners that develop a strategy and then roll up their sleeves to make it happen.

We work creatively to align people, actions, and results, driving both buy-in and adoption and building on decades of experience in successful business optimization initiatives.

What we offer

  • Strategic planning and roadmap development
  • IT/business performance management
  • Portfolio management
  • Program leadership and governance
  • Executive reporting

Inclusion and Accessibility

Building the society of tomorrow, today

Today’s leaders in government and industry are working together to build a future rooted in equity. Cadmus collaborates with our clients to create more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible (DEIA) programs, services, and partnerships that support all people and the communities where they live.

We work across sectors to convene diverse stakeholders to co-create a shared vision. We then work together to dismantle barriers, prioritize equitable investments, provide technical assistance, and develop data-driven systems of accountability to measure success.

Additionally, we work within agencies and organizations to help build more diverse workforces, create cultures of belonging, and develop transparent systems that support career advancement. Through this approach, we help ensure that the products, services, and programs our clients create contribute to a more equitable future.

What we offer

  • Equity frameworks
  • DEIA culture building
  • Inclusive workforce development
  • Program and social equity
  • Partnership and supplier diversity
  • Accessibility services

Delivering Customer Experience

Creating the ideal customer experience is a marathon, not a sprint

Delivering exceptional CX requires passion, a customer-centric mindset, and deliberate planning and execution. Every experience, every touchpoint requires careful planning and execution to delight customers.

Companies such as Amazon, Apple and other innovators outpace their competitors because they relentlessly keep CX top-of-mind. They leverage best-in-class CX methodologies, personalization technology, AI and other tools that are changing customer expectations about how their experiences should feel. These companies understand that these investments will pay for themselves in reduced operating costs.

Federal agencies must keep pace by ensuring that their people, working in service of a compelling vision and a detailed CX roadmap, deliver the ideal experience time and time again. Together with your leadership team our experts will help define your CX vision, identify and engage with your customers, and design and facilitate journey mapping exercises using personas to pinpoint your most important customer interactions. We understand that designing successful CX campaigns isn’t about managing a checklist but producing a shift in thinking.

What we offer

  • CX assessments
  • Customer personas
  • Tailored communications
  • Removing barriers to service delivery
  • Continuous improvement, based on the voice of the customer
  • Tracking qualitative and quantitative metrics