Energy Resilience in Jamaica
I Want to Go Solar!

USAID & Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance logos


Ready to go solar? JERA is available to support you from initial interest through system commissioning. Watch our testimonial video to hear directly from Jamaican businesses about their experience with JERA, or visit our YouTube page to learn more.

JERA supports businesses of all scales in pursuing solar!

Let us know you are interested in a solar PV or PV+ system by completing the form below. JERA technical experts will follow up with you directly to discuss next steps.

JERA energy experts will assess your business’ electricity needs and work with you and your solar installer to ensure your system provides the best economic and technical benefits for your business.

JERA will provide information on accessing PV and PV+ financing options, including direct financing and leasing.

After you sign a contract with your installer, they will navigate through the permitting, installation, and interconnection processes.

JERA remains available to you throughout your solar journey. Signing up is easy and there is no commitment!

Simply fill out the form below and JERA partners will be in touch with next steps.

By entering your information below, you consent to being contacted by Cadmus and/or JERA partners and having this information shared with our developer and installer partners. Our partners will use this information to make initial assumptions about PV/PV+ system size and to contact you for follow up consultations.

* What is the Leasing option? Under a solar lease, there is little to no upfront cost and a customer agrees to pay a pre-determined monthly fee to a solar company, which builds and operates the system. The customer freely uses the electricity generated. At the conclusion of the lease term, which is typically 10-20 years, the customer can pay off the remainder to own the system outright if they choose.

** What is the Direct Ownership option? Direct ownership involves buying the solar PV system outright and upfront from a solar company, who will still build and can contract to still operate and maintain the system. This type of purchase has the largest up-front cash requirement but can be the least expensive way to invest in solar over time. To lower the upfront cost, customers can take out loans from third-party lenders like banks.

Please see Cadmus’ website policy, available via link at the bottom of every page on and here. In addition, the following applies: The entry of any information in this web form is completely voluntary and is only requested from visitors that wish to be contacted by or receive additional information from members of the Jamaica Energy Resilience Alliance (JERA). Cadmus will not sell any personal information collected to any third party. Information will only be shared with members of JERA for the purposes of sharing relevant program information and assessing eligibility for PV or PV+ financing and installation. This sharing is subject to the condition that no JERA member will make alternative use of this information or further disclose it. At any point you may request that Cadmus remove your information from its records, at which point you will receive no further communication from Cadmus on behalf of JERA. Please contact for additional information on JERA’s use of information or to request to be removed from our contact list.