International Women's Day 2024
Invest in women:
Accelerate progress
Reflections on International Women’s Day
“Failing to invest in women and girls not only affects their ability to fulfill their potential; it also incurs a significant societal and economic cost. As a consultancy focused on strengthening society and the natural world, we see evidence every day that empowering women positively impacts outcomes for everyone.”
–Ian Kline, President and CEO Cadmus Group
At Cadmus, our work supports the empowerment of women and girls
Through our comprehensive programs leveraging our technical expertise, we provide strategic analysis, laying the foundation for more equitable and prosperous economies.
From clients in the United States to those around the world, Cadmus actively champions initiatives that empower women and girls, fostering environments where they can thrive to their fullest potential.
Designing Intersectional and Gender Transformative Programming
We are committed to making a lasting impact in every community we serve. A vital part of this commitment is integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), ensuring fairness, opportunity, and dignity for all.
By prioritizing GESI, Cadmus helps clients enhance access to goods and services, especially benefiting women, girls, marginalized communities, and economically disadvantaged groups. Our work spans broader areas such as financial inclusion, trade facilitation, export promotion, and fostering improved legal and regulatory environments.
We are proud to make a difference around the world.
Why Should We Care? The Care Economy and Inclusive Economic Growth
Care work is embedded in our everyday life, covering essential services such as childcare and support for the elderly and disabled. The care economy underpins economic growth, skill development, and job creation—and it is the fastest-growing economic sector, projected to create up to 299 million jobs by 2035.
Yet, despite its economic significance, care work remains undervalued, largely due to prevailing gender norms that designate both paid and unpaid care work as ‘women’s work.’ The undervaluation of care work is a major driver of discrimination against women and one of the main reasons gender equality will take 300 years to achieve without increased investment.
Climate Resilience & Equity
Climate change exacerbates care needs, with women and girls disproportionately shouldering increased caregiving responsibilities caused by more frequent and severe natural disasters, displacements, and disrupted services.
Economic policies should consider caregiving at all levels of reforms in line with the International Labour Organization’s 5R Framework for Decent Care Work. Fair care systems and gender equality are crucial for economic progress, especially in the face of worsening climate challenges. At Cadmus, we recognize the interconnectedness between social and environmental factors in designing resilient strategies, helping clients integrate care considerations into their programs.
Nurturing Talent and Gender Inclusivity in Tech
Cadmus is dedicated to empowering women and fostering inclusivity in the tech sector. Our Technology and Innovation Services Group (TISG), Cadmus’ center of excellence for data and analytics, supports all company divisions, leveraging cross-company teams to enhance our technical capabilities and expand analytics services company-wide.
The lack of gender diversity in the industry poses significant challenges for internal staffing. Recognizing the power of diversity in driving innovation, we prioritize creating an inclusive learning environment where underrepresented groups can thrive. TISG’s data literacy initiative, launched in 2022, aims at removing entry barriers in order to promote diversity in the tech field.
Instead of assuming background knowledge on the concepts and jumping into procedural steps, our courses emphasize understanding the ‘why’ behind the technical approach. By focusing on the why, creating a space for questions, and offering new opportunities, data literacy grows our staff skills and participation from women and other underrepresented groups.