Cadmus Wins Contract to Evaluate Ohio Gas Utility’s DSM Programs

Working under a recently awarded sole-source contract, Cadmus is evaluating the demand side management programs of gas utility Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio.

Our review will cover process evaluation, impact evaluation, net-to-gross analysis, and market effects evaluations for a commercial prescriptive program, a residential prescriptive program, a new construction program, and an audit/weatherization program. The evaluation will be completed in May.

About The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Cadmus ( helps government, non-profit and corporate clients address critical challenges in the environmental and energy sectors. We provide an array of research and analytical services in the United States and abroad, specializing in solving complex problems that demand innovative, multidisciplinary thinking. Our major service areas are Water, Energy Services, Social Marketing and Market Transformation, Health Policy and Communications, Green Building, International Development and Strategic Environmental Consulting.

Our staff includes scientists; engineers; statisticians; economists; MBAs; marketing, public relations and communications professionals; attorneys; information technology specialists; and public policy analysts. Many of our senior consultants are nationally recognized experts in their fields, and several serve on high-level U.S. government science advisory boards.