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Case Study
Irvine Company: LEED Volume Certification

How Cadmus helped a California real estate owner become the state’s largest owner of LEED-certified properties.

Case Study
TMDL Development and Implementation Planning for the Lower Fox River Basin and Lower Green Bay

Cadmus was retained by the U.S. EPA to provide support to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in the development of TMDLs for impaired water bodies in the Lower Fox River, including Lower Green Bay.

Case Study
Watershed Characterization and Planning for Pathogen Source Reduction in the U.S. Virgin Islands

Cadmus was retained by the U.S. EPA to perform a comprehensive assessment of water pollutant sources off the coast of the U.S. Virgin Islands and to develop tools supporting efforts to reduce bacteria loading.

Case Study
Assessments of Watershed Recovery Potential

Cadmus provides support to the U.S. EPA and individual states on the use of recovery potential screening methods to compare the relative restorability of watersheds with water quality concerns.

Case Study
TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring and Assessment

Cadmus conducts TMDL effectiveness monitoring and assessment for the U.S. EPA in locations throughout the United States.

Case Study
Evaluation of Hydrologic Alteration and Opportunities for Environmental Flow Management in New Mexico

Cadmus was retained by the U.S. EPA to conduct an assessment of the hydrologic and ecological health of representative streams and rivers in New Mexico.

Case Study
Identifying and Protecting Healthy Watersheds: Concepts, Assessments, and Management Approaches

Cadmus performed essential research, writing, and design services in support of the development of the U.S. EPA’s Identifying and Protecting Healthy Watersheds technical document.

Case Study
Integrated Assessments of Watershed Health

Cadmus designs and conducts integrated assessments of watershed health and vulnerability as part of our support to the U.S. EPA’s Healthy Watersheds Initiative.

Case Study
GSA LEED EBOM & Guiding Principles Portfolio Certification Program

Cadmus is working to develop and implement a cutting-edge solution to meet high performance green building goals for GSA buildings. Cadmus’ approach facilitates participation in the USGBC LEED EB Portfolio Program, and meets green building criteria as outlined in the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Existing Buildings.

Case Study
Claremont Colleges

Cadmus has provided the Clarement Colleges with high performance building support, including LEED certification and energy audits/sustainability assessments, for more than 10 years.

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