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Case Study
Educating End Users on IT Self-Help Automation at the Internal Revenue Service

When the Internal Revenue Service sought to use AI to provide all 85,000 employees with 24/7 support, tools, training and […]

Case Study
Driving DevOps Adoption Across Government

Cadmus has a vibrant partnership with The American Council for Technology (ACT) and Industry Advisory Council (IAC), known as ACT-IAC, […]

Case Study
Designing CX to Increase Employment Pathways through the FutureWorks Initiative

People with disabilities have an unemployment rate that is historically more than double the national rate. The Office of Disability […]

Case Study
Overcoming Resistance to DevOps Adoption at the Internal Revenue Service

When the Internal Revenue Service launched its DevOps program, leaders soon realized they needed help overcoming internal resistance, following some […]

Case Study
Building A National Coalition To Promote AI Fairness at Department of Labor

The Department of Labor recognizes that many employers are now using AI and other emerging technologies in the workplace. They […]

US Support for Economic Growth in Asia (US-SEGA)

Nathan Associates Inc., a Cadmus Company, is implementing the six-year United States-Support for Economic Growth in Asia (US-SEGA) program. US-SEGA […]

Case Study
EU Strategic Foresight

Study on Building and Piloting a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System for Future Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programmes Overview On […]

Case Study
Standing up a Federal Cloud Programming Office at the Internal Revenue Service

Moving massive, newly modernized tax processing systems to a cloud environment represents one of the most significant, on-going IT challenges […]

Case Study
Electric Vehicle Workplace Charging Program Research

Facilitating EV Adoptions with Employees A leader in innovative emissions-cutting measures, one of Cadmus’ California utility clients has made promoting […]

Case Study
Unified planning improves university security

A shared understanding of protocols, procedures, and terminology helped The George Washington University develop a collaborative and decisive crisis response […]

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