Driving DevOps Adoption Across Government

Cadmus has a vibrant partnership with The American Council for Technology (ACT) and Industry Advisory Council (IAC), known as ACT-IAC, to drive DevOps understanding and education among its members. We co-chaired the DevOps Working Group and were primary authors on the DevOps Primer. Together, we convened a diverse group of government and industry participants, drafted original content, and documented where agencies are on their DevOps journeys through a series of case studies.

Our work supports DevOps adoption across government. For example, we co-chaired the DevOps Forum which brings together luminaries and practitioners, sharing recommendations that help other government agencies on their journeys to realize the benefits of DevOps.

Key Takeaway: “The ACT-IAC DevOps Primer is an outstanding example of the power of government and industry collaboration.  It contains essential material for both federal and industry IT leaders looking for practical ways to innovate and quickly deliver results,” said David Wennergren, CEO of ACT-IAC, in a press release.

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