Electric Vehicle Workplace Charging Program Research

Facilitating EV Adoptions with Employees

A leader in innovative emissions-cutting measures, one of Cadmus’ California utility clients has made promoting electric vehicle (EV) use in the region a priority. In June 2014, the client implemented an EV Workplace Charging (WPC) program for its employees to facilitate EV adoption: for $10 per month, participating employees have access to unlimited EV charging. By November 2015, the program had 77 participants-the largest such program in its area.


While this WPC program has been successful, data indicated that its structure was not financially viable in the long term. Furthermore, few other employers in the area have implemented their own WPC programs. For these reasons, our client sought to better understand employees’ and customers’ WPC program preferences to develop a long-term plan for WPC programs at its own facilities and in the region.


To help the client understand how to best meet its stakeholders’ needs and meet its goal of increasing EV adoption, Cadmus conducted quantitative and qualitative research with the company’s employees and customers. Our team first led three focus groups to gain an initial understanding of employees’ and customers’ EV charging preferences. Building upon the focus groups, we then conducted a choice-based conjoint survey to quantitatively assess preferences for charging strategies and pricing options that would drive enrollment in WPC programs.


From this research, Cadmus was able to generate concrete insights and recommendations. Our research revealed that:

  • Current and prospective EV owners recognize the value of a WPC program. WPC programs offer convenience and the ability to extend an EV’s range, which resulted in high interest in these programs.
  • Increasing the penetration of customer-preferred WPC programs will have a positive impact on EV adoption in the region. Current EV owners reported that access to a WPC program was important in the decisions to purchase or lease their EVs. Moreover, customers who had access to a WPC program were more likely to own or lease an EV than customers who did not have access.
  • Correctly pricing a WPC program will have the greatest impact on employees’ and customers’ attitude towards the program and, therefore, on their likelihood to participate. Respondents preferred a flat-fee payment approach in which they pay a set amount of money per month to receive unlimited charging.

Local stakeholders have expressed considerable interest in the potential to leverage these findings. Our client has been sharing insights with other parties, continuing its role as a regional influencer and leader in sustainable business practices and economic development.

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