LEED Platinum for Environmental Nature Center, Newport Beach

Providing energy consulting and commissioning services

The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) in Newport Beach is the first LEED Platinum project in California’s Orange County. Members of the Cadmus staff provided LEED consulting and documentation support, along with energy consulting and documentation services and commissioning services.

The ENC serves as a landmark of sustainable design for neighbors and visitors alike. The project comprises two individual structures, one public and one private, connected by an exterior breezeway and meeting area. The main structure is designed to capture as much daylight as possible through its large glass north-facing wall, and to maximize natural ventilation and its proximity to the ocean.

The Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach is the first LEED Platinum project in California’s Orange County. Cadmus staff provided LEED consulting and documentation support. (Courtesy Costea Photography)

The facility features extensive use of solar technology, which provides 100 percent of the center’s power needs. A large array of photovoltaic panels on the south facing roof provides enough energy to make the center a “net zero” energy facility. The ENC has made its use of solar technology part of its curriculum.

Among the facility’s other green design features are:

  • Drought tolerant, indigenous landscaping
  • Waterless urinals and dual-flush toilets
  • Effective stormwater management
  • Extensive use of recycled and recyclable materials
  • Occupancy sensors and dimming systems
  • Green housekeeping
  • Energy efficient fixtures and appliances

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